The business designs and installs mirror and glass solutions for the residential home market. Working with residential home builders, remodelers and homeowners to provide custom solutions that are aesthetically pleasing and functional. From simply vanity mirrors to complex shower surrounds and enclosures, the company focuses on meeting the expectations of its clients while gaining long term relationships. Serving clients for the past 25 years, has provided a steady stream of work; (even through Covid) and that trend continues today.
Semi Retirement
Owner is willing to stay on for an agreed amount of time to help with a smooth transition and may consider staying on in a reduced capacity in a Sales role.
The 5000 sq ft building is a Showroom, Office and Warehouse. Located just off the highway is a perfect location with plenty of space for the business.
The Market is strong for new residential installations as well as remodels of older homes. There are several competitors in the area; however, there is enough work available to satisfy the needs of each competitor and they do not necessarily seek the same type of clients.
Seek out relationships with large volume home builders. Start servicing more commercial clients.